you may not know this, but most Christian churches have independent Bible study groups. When I say independent, I mean a study group that is organized by Christians in the church and not by the pastoral team per se. These are usually evening affairs, very casual, and it is *not* studying the Bible "through" the pages of the Watchtower rag, or any other pub.
Point out to them that ngo's associated with the UN are expected to support the work of the United Nations (UN = scarlet-colored wild beast).
<<<<< In 1968, the Economic and Social Council, by Resolution 1297 (XLIV) of 27 May, called on DPI to associate NGOs, bearing in mind the letter and spirit of its Resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, which stated that an NGO "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities". >>>>>
several issues, such as the un matter and others requiring comments to the press could possibly be better served if there were a small body of qualified individuals, including lawyers and other professionals and others that were former witnesses extremely well versed in jw issues.. comments to media, governments and various organizations on matters such as blood, child custody, child abuse etc would carry more weight coming from an "offical" organization.. in the former jw community there are many with good intentions but often find themselves making inaccurate or unrestrained, poorly worded or overly sensational comments.. these sorts of comments set the former witness community back and sometimes give credence to the labels placed upon us.
on the other hand, well worded, accurate statements made with a knowlege of how the wt pr machine works can effectively tie their hands and force the wt to make changes.. with this in mind, what is the viability of such an association to represent former witnesses?
it need not matter whether one is a christian or athiest or whatever, as the purpose would simply be to comment and investigate and expose wt policy.. i am sure this has been tossed around before.
Some great points. Personally I would like to see some more organized "resistance" (for lack of a better word). Anyone who opposes the Borg is said to be part of the collective evil slave class anyway. I guess naming our new org "the Evil Slave Class" would be over the top, eh? Maybe something we could acronymize to "ESC" - lol,
these are merely summaries, to the extent my memory is accurate.. others (freeminds, watchtower observer) can provide the exact details.. 1) awake publishes holocaust issue - projects image of what 'stand.
up guys' organization was during mass murder of jews.
as of 11:45 this morning (i had a telphone call this morning with the refernce department person named holly at 212-963-7234), i can tell you that the watchtower has disassociated itself from the united nations dpi!!!!!!.
the dpi is now taking them off the list.
the dpi requested the list removal to be done this morning!!!!!.
as of 11:45 this morning (i had a telphone call this morning with the refernce department person named holly at 212-963-7234), i can tell you that the watchtower has disassociated itself from the united nations dpi!!!!!!.
the dpi is now taking them off the list.
the dpi requested the list removal to be done this morning!!!!!.
It sounds like you have or will refine the Press Release. At some point, could you post the refined version? I intend to forward it to several news agencies, and I will use myself as a contact for these agencies.
as of 11:45 this morning (i had a telphone call this morning with the refernce department person named holly at 212-963-7234), i can tell you that the watchtower has disassociated itself from the united nations dpi!!!!!!.
the dpi is now taking them off the list.
the dpi requested the list removal to be done this morning!!!!!.
as of 11:45 this morning (i had a telphone call this morning with the refernce department person named holly at 212-963-7234), i can tell you that the watchtower has disassociated itself from the united nations dpi!!!!!!.
the dpi is now taking them off the list.
the dpi requested the list removal to be done this morning!!!!!.
Hopefully this will be a shock to those dubs who have been saying "theres nothing wrong with the WTS' association with the beast". MAn, what will they say now??
I guess we've lost the ability to direct the dubs to the NGO directory, so at this point, the more we can get in writing, the better.
Again Hawk, thanks for all the hard work on this issue.
a day or so prior to shutting down, one of their members posted a warning that they had received an "apostate email", entitled "united nations".
the poster said that he had deleted it without reading it, (i guess they have esp over there) and warned others to do the same.
i believe that the poster also said that all gc members probably got such because they didn't use that particular address except for gc stuff.. i haven't seen a similar post on or wol thus far.. can i assume that someone here has already emailed everyone at gc and wol?